The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, is pleased to announce the organization of the second edition of the international congress “Franco-Moroccan Mathematics Days (F2MDays'25)”. This event is jointly organized with the Laboratory of Analysis, Geometry and Applications (LAGA), Sorbonne Paris Nord University. It will take place from May 13 to 16, 2025, at the Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan.
This scientific congress provides researchers with the opportunity to explore the latest advancements in mathematical research. Through its workshops and plenary sessions, participants will have the chance to enhance their skills in scientific mediation and strengthen their understanding of complex mathematical concepts. Additionally, the congress promotes the dissemination of high-quality research, thereby contributing to the advancement of Mathematics worldwide. This scientific meeting will not only reinforce the bonds between the French and Moroccan mathematical communities but also will play a key role in advancing Mathematics on an international scale.
The mathematics community is warmly invited to take part in this prestigious event. Outstanding contributions will be considered for publication in internationally indexed journals, as part of the call for papers open to mathematical researchers.
👉 F2mdays’25_Poster
👉 F2mdays’25_Flyer
Honored guests

Bouchta El Moumni
President of Abdelmalek Essâadi University

Nathalie Charnaux
Presidente of Sorbonne Paris Nord University

Jamila El Alami
Head of CNRST, Morocco

Christophe Besse
Head of CNRS Mathématiques, France

Mostafa Stitou
Dean of Faculty of Sciences - Tetouan

Bruno Manil
Head of Galilée institute

Prof. Nour Eddine Alaa
Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco

Prof. El Houssine Azroul
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

Prof. Mostafa Bendahmane
Bordeaux University, France

Prof. Igor Chollet
Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France

Prof. Élise Janvresse
Picardy Jules Verne University, France

Prof. Olivier Lafitte
Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France

Prof. Lahcen Maniar
Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco

Prof. Elizabeth Montoya Delgadillo
Valparaíso Pontifical Catholic University, Chile

Prof. Benoît Rittaud
Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France

Prof. Laurent Vivier
Paris Diderot University, France
Congress General Chairs:
Scientific Committee:
Olivier Lafitte | USPN |
Hatem Zaag | USPN |
Zine El Abidine Abdelali | UM5 |
Nour Eddine Alaa | UCA |
Aziz Alaoui | UHN |
El Houssine Azroul | USMBA |
Sami Baraket | U. Tunis El Manar |
Youssef Belhamadia | UA Sharjah |
Mohamed Badr Benboubker | USMBA |
Mostafa Bendahmane | BU |
Fayssal Benkhaldoun | USPN |
Marcelo Moreira Cavalcanti | UEM Brazil |
Abdeslam Hafid Bentbib | UCA |
Amal Bergam | UAE |
El wahbi Bouazza | UIT |
Hakim Boumaza | USPN |
Igor Chollet | USPN |
Abdellatif El Afia | UM5 |
Mofdi El Amrani | FST-UAE |
Abdellatif El Ghazi | UIR |
Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui | EUROMED |
Christian Mercat | CBLU |
Mohamed El Merouani | FS-UAE |
Khalil Ezzinbi | UCA |
Abdelilah Hakim | FST-UCA |
Zakia Hammouch | UMI |
Élise Janvresse | PJVU |
Abdellah Lamnii | ENS-UAE |
Bastien Mallein | USPN |
Lahcen Maniar | UCA |
Elizabeth Montoya Delgadillo | PCUV-Chili |
Zoubida Mghazli | UIT |
Benoît Rittaud | USPN |
Mohamed Rhoudaf | UMI |
Mohammed Seaid | UD-England |
Mustapha Serhani | UMI |
Mohamed Shadi | UHW-Edinburgh |
Philippe Souplet | USPN |
Chakir Tajani | UAE |
Laurent Vivier | UPD |
Naji Yebari | FS-UAE |
Shengda Zeng | CNU China |
Abderrahim Zertiti | FS-UAE |
Abdelhak Zoglat | UM5 |
Technical Program Committee:
Bouchaib Ferrahi | UAE |
Hassane Hjiaj | UAE |
Abdelallah Abou-Bakre | UAE |
Younes Abou El Hanoune | UAE |
Soumaya Afilal | UAE |
Boubker Azeroual | UAE |
Zakaria Aznay | UAE |
Achraf Badahmane | UM6P |
Anouar Ben-Loghfyry | UH2 |
Anass Bouchriti | EMSI |
Fadil Chabbabi | UAE |
Abderrahim Charkaoui | UH1 |
Mohammad Cherkaoui | UAE |
Mohamed Dakkoun | UAE |
Btissam Dkhissi | UAE |
Mohamed Ekdiha | UAE |
Abdessamad El Alami | UMI |
Monir El Annas | UAE |
Aouatif El Biari | UAE |
Badr El Haji | UAE |
Othmane El Moize | UAE |
Mostafa El Moumni | UCD |
Abdellah El Fallahi | UAE |
Youness El Yazidi | UAE |
Aziz Haddi | UAE |
Abdellatif El Ouissari | UAE |
Rachid El Oulaimi | UAE |
Fidae Harchli | UAE |
Ismail Jamiai | UAE |
Brahim Jarmouni | UAE |
Mohamed Lahrouz | UAE |
Sefian Mohamed Lamarti | UAE |
Adel Louly | UAE |
Mohamed Louzari | UAE |
Hassan Marhnine | CRMEF-Tanger |
Mohamed Marzougue | UAE |
Mounir Mekkour | USMBA |
Abdelaziz Moujahid | UAE |
Soufiane Mezroui | UAE |
Sanae Moussaoui | UAE |
Abdessamad Ousaadane | UMI |
Abdellatif Sadrati | UMI |
Samir Tallay | UAE |
Chihab Yazough | USMBA |
Noureddine Zaidi Lanjri | UAE |
Chafika Zarhouti | CRMEF-Tanger |
Hanaa Zitane | UAE |
Communication and Sponsorship Committee:
Youness El Yazidi | UAE |
Adel Louly | UAE |
Call for papers
The 2nd edition of Franco-Marocain Mathematics Days – F2MDays’25 will be held from 13 to 16 May, 2025, in Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Faculty of Sciences, Tétouan, Morocco.
F2MDays will provide an international forum to present state-of-the-art research results, address new challenges, and discuss trends and opportunities related with all aspects and applications several topics in Applied Mathematics.
Authors are invited to submit original research papers or abstracts.
Please prepare your document using the template: 👉 F2MDays’25 template 👈.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper.
Submissions should include paper title, abstract, names of authors, their affiliations, and emails addresses.
The full papers or abstracts should be submitted in both Latex and PDF formats to the F2MDays online submission website:
👉 👈
Registration & Participation Fees
Participants may register to attend the conference with or without a research paper. If you plan to participate and present your work at F2MDays'25, you are kindly requested to submit your paper online: 👉 👈
Registration fees include:
* Congress package,
* Coffee breaks,
*Participation certificate (Certificate for oral presentation or just Certificate of Attendance).
* Workshop certificate,
The fees do not include accommodation.
Important Dates
* Abstract submission deadline:
* New! Due to requests from our international partners, the Organizing Committee has decided to arrange a dedicated online session for international
* Notification to authors: April 14, 2025. * Early registration deadline: April 30, 2025. * Conference dates: May 13–16, 2025. * Full paper submission deadline: June 15, 2025.
Registration for the conference will only be effective once all fees have been paid.
participants and select special cases.
Limited capacity (early submission advised).
Deadline: March 31, 2025.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decline requests that do not meet the specified criteria.
Payment of registration fees:
Before May 1st 2025
After May 1st 2025
Ph.D. Students
45€ / 450 MAD
65€ / 650 MAD
75€ / 750 MAD
95€ / 950 MAD
100€ / 1000 MAD
150€ / 1500 MAD
Payment by bank transfer:
Bank Name: Banque Populaire
Beneficiary: Association AL-JAB'R of Mathematics and Sustainable Development
Bank Address: Avenue Casablanca, Tétouan, Maroc
Bank account number: 164 720 21116 1573779 000 3 49
Country: Morocco
What to send?
Once the bank transfer done, please send an email to (with the subject: F2MDays’25 registration):
* A scanned copy of your payment (mentioning your full name)
* A completed registration form (download Registration Form Here): 👉 F2mdays’25 form 👈.
Questions on registration?
For enquiries please contact F2MDays’25 Coordinator:
Mini Symposiums
Chairs: Z. Aznay, F. Chabbabi and S. Moussaoui.
Chairs: M. El Annas, A. El Ouissari and F. Harchli.
Chairs: B. El Haji, M. Lahrouz and A. Moujahid.
Chairs: I. Jamiai, B. Jarmouni and H. Zitane.
Chairs: E. M. Delgadillo, E. Janvresse and L. Vivier.
Chairs: A. Abou-bakre, N. Lanjri and M. Marzougue.
The program will be displayed as soon as it becomes available.
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
Conference Center
Faculty Of Sciences, Tetouan, Morocco.
Her are some nearby hotels